Shopping Made Simple: HDTV Page 3

Getting HDTV over the Air

Over-the-air broadcast is one of the easiest ways to receive HDTV, and certainly the cheapest, but you'll need an antenna to enjoy it. Depending on where you live, you might get good results with even an indoor antenna, especially if it's designed for UHF reception (most digital TV channels are in the UHF band). But it's more likely you'll need a properly aimed directional antenna mounted on the roof or in the attic. Again, UHF performance is likely to be more important than VHF pickup.

A professional installer should be able to steer you to the right type of antenna for your area. If you're a do-it-yourselfer, a good place to start is Enter your address and some other information about where you live, and the site will tell you which stations you can receive, their directions from your home, and the type of antenna you need to pull them in cleanly. The recommendations are in the form of a color code, which has been adopted by antenna manufacturers to help people choose the right models for their needs. It's printed right on the antenna box.

Once you get a decent signal, the picture will be perfect - no ghosts, no interference, no noise. And best of all, the signal is free.

-Michael Riggs