SIM2 Grand Cinema C3X Three-chip DLP Projector Take Two

This Take Two in no way changes our positive conclusions about this projector. But we did discover a significant glitch between that projector and the Toshiba HD-A1 HD DVD player was subsequently reviewed. This was reported on in the review of the player, but because of the significance of the launch of a new HD DVD format, and because this observation involves its interactivity with the C3X, we repeat the findings here, quoted directly from the HD DVD player report. There was no switcher or other device between the player and the projector, and the HDMI cable (from Ultralink) was five meters long.

"In addition, the player had trouble establishing an HDMI link to the SIM2 C3X projector. It would flash random colors on the screen, sometimes a bit of noise, and often a version of the source with whacked-out color for an instant before it locked—though on a few occasions I had to restart the disc several times before the projector did reliably grab the HDMI signal. This was not a problem with either the Yamaha DPX-1300 or the BenQ 8720 projectors, nor with the Pioneer Elite plasma, so the problem cannot be blamed exclusively on the Toshiba. HDMI is, as everyone knows by now, still plagued by compatibility issues. But I did not have a similar problem using other HDMI sources with the SIM2."