Sony VPL-VW50 SXRD Projector: First Look

Price: $5,000

Highlights: Full-on three-chip 1080p SXRD that not only accepts 1080p/24 signals, but displays them at direct multiples of 24fps for smoother motion, dynamic iris for deep blacks, dual HDMI and component inputs, less expensive replacement lamps than previous SXRD PJs, and did we mention the price?

How many times can Sony halve the price of its SXRD front projectors and maintain the performance edge? At $5K the Pearl costs a full 50% less than Sony's Ruby, but it hardly looks the part of a stripped down bargain model. It's a gorgeous looking projector with a dynamic iris, and it also accepts 1080p/24 signals displays them at 96Hz, a direct multiple of film's 24fps frame rate. Although it's only been available for a few weeks, it's already the year's most talked about projector. It's shipping now and look for us to fast track a review in October.