Ultimate Gift Guide (part 2) Page 2


ZVUE portable multimedia player HandHeld Entertainment's ZVUE MP4 ($99) looks like a slightly rotund iPod, but it's actually the least expensive portable video player I've seen and maybe the easiest to use. Your digital video, music, and photos are stored on SD flash-memory cards - you load the card from your PC's card reader or use a USB connection to drag and drop content from your hard drive to the ZVUE. User-friendly Zflicks software converts video from popular formats (except QuickTime) to compressed .zvue files. The player's controls and onscreen interface are simple and intuitive, and video files converted at medium- to high-quality settings looked and sounded pretty good (though the 21/2-inch, 160 x 240-pixel LCD screen is small and lacks fine detail). ZVUE's Web site also offers video and music content for downloading, including old movies, cartoons, and TV shows. For video on the run that won't have you running to the bank, ZVUE gets a thumbs up. - Rob Sabin zvue.com

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