Ultimate Gifts Page 5


Riptopia music-ripping service We're heeding the call of the digital age: "convert or die." The idea of having your entire music collection contained in a shiny rectangle the size of a deck of cards is awesome, but, oh, the drudgery of getting all those tracks into the player to begin with. Salvation is nigh with Riptopia's offer to take on the grunt work in increments of 50 CDs - starting at $89 and going up to 450 rips for $459. Riptopia sends you a postage-paid box and a spindle. You load your collection onto the spindle, send it back, and after two days, your CDs are returned along with a high-density DVD and easy instructions for transferring the ripped tracks to your player. (Or you can send your player along with the discs, or buy one directly from Riptopia and get it all done in one fell swoop.) Gift certificates are available, and up until January 15, Riptopia is offering the ultimate "wow" holiday gift: a 4-GB iPod nano and a 50-CD rip for $299. - Shannon McCarthy riptopia.com

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