Excellent write-up. Thoroughly enjoyed it.
As an engineer myself, I strongly believe in Science. And yet, I cannot explain what "miracle" is. Since I cannot explain, I throw that chapter to religious belief (and I am not even that religious). I cannot explain how can an element be both vital and deadly at the same time: "Air" -- so important for humans, but so deadly for fishes. If science is so "right", then how can mathematicians prove 4 equals to 5 using algebra formula? Why do I get severely burnt when I accidentally touch a hot stove, and yet I have experienced seeing Indian Sadhu (monk) walking on fire without a slight touch of pain.
Perhaps, Einstein proved it right -- it is a "relative" world. Perhaps, Ken Pohlmann said it right -- "good sound quality is what we believe it to be". But a person should find that belief or the "holy grail" of sound quality or formats, speaker or headphone systems by his own listening judgement and research, as long as he can emotionally connect to the music, not because so and so person dictated that "so and so speakers and amps" or spending "so much" money are imperative to get the "best sounding" systems. Being an "audiophile" is a blessing and a privilege. But the term sounds so "cliché" in this relative world.
Yes, we do tend to live with our "own philosophy" in this relative world. So, while someone may not find this article as enjoyable, I certainly find it exuberant.
Thanks Ken.