Yamaha CX-A5000 Surround Processor and MX-A5000 Amplifier Specs


Yamaha CX-A5000 Surround Processor
Auto Setup/Room EQ: YPAO
Video Processing: Proprietary video processing with 4K scaling/passthrough • Dimensions (WxHxD, Inches): 17.13 x 7.5 x 17.63
Weight (Pounds): 30
Video Inputs: HDMI 1.4a (7), MHL-enabled HDMI (1), component video (4), composite video (4)
Audio Inputs: Coaxial digital (3), optical digital (2), stereo analog (7), phono (1)
Additional: USB (1), Ethernet (1), IR remote (2), AM (1), FM (1)
Accessory: YWA-10 Wi-Fi, YBA-11 Bluetooth
Video Outputs: HDMI 1.4a (2), component video (1), S-video (2), composite video (2)
Audio Outputs: Stereo analog (1), 11.2-channel unbalanced preout (1), 11-channel balanced preout (1), ¼-inch headphone (1)
Additional: RS-232 (1), 12-volt trigger (2)

Yamaha MX-A5000 Amplifier
Specs Number of Channels: 11
Power Output: 11 x 150 watts (8 ohms, 2 channels driven)
Dimensions (WxHxD, Inches): 17.13 x 8.25 x 18.13
Weight (Pounds): 56


mbascu's picture

Informative Review Dave. Can you expand a little more on the differences between your 8801 and the Yamaha specifically in the room correction side. I find Audyssey inconsistent but great in handling subs. How about HDMI switching? Are there any lag or loss of audio for a few seconds?

Cyrus J. Wombat's picture

Where are the results for the amplifier output in five, seven, and possibly other channels? It looks like the amplifier puts out between 165-170 watts in stereo.

David Vaughn's picture
Having the Audyssey Pro in the 8801 is a nice upgrade, but if you don't have your own kit you have to pay someone to utilize this aspect of the unit. You can take a lot more measurements and really get the audio to sound outstanding. The stock Audyssey versus YPAO is virtually a tie...both sounded good in my room where the Pro sounded great. As for the HSMI switching, both units take a second or two to lock onto the signal, which is par for the course unfortunately. I've yet to see any HDMI switching to be instantaneous.
PeterC's picture

Nice review David
I read your earlier review on the Marantz AV8801 and was pretty much decided that this was the unit that I would be purchasing.
Now after reading your review of the Cx-5000 I wonder if this is the right move. Are you saying in your review that you would not have purchased the AV8801 had you seen the CX-5000?
I would be interested to know more about how you would compare the two units.

David Vaughn's picture
If I had seen the Yamaha first I would have had no hesitation to buy it. I was in the market for a pre/pro and it met or exceeded every expectation I had. BUT, the exact same can be said for the Marantz. I could own either one and be perfectly happy with them. It just so happens I already owned the Marantz and didn't feel the need to buy a new unit since they were pretty much equal. I would go with the one that you could get the best price on because you really can't go wrong with either one.
MichiganMike's picture

The Yamaha CX-A5000 replaced a Parasound C2 controller in my home theater. Like David Vaughn, I found the Yamaha to be a great match with my Parasound amps (A21 and A51) in a 7.1 system using balanced interconnects. The CX=A5000 has a lower residual noise level than my Parasound C2 and many updated features, such as HDMI inputs, YPAO, Airplay, Sirius internet, etc. I enjoy the ability to control the CX-A5000 with my iPod. The sound quality available from Airplay is surprisingly good. The sound quality from DVDs and Blu-ray in my opinion is an improvement over my Parasound C2 controller, which already was very good. YPAO functions well in my room.

tzalo's picture

Where are the complete measurements for the MX-A5000 amplifier?

Orcrone's picture

I currently have a Yamaha RX-A2030 receiver driving a Sunfire TGA7401 amp. I have found some CX-A5000 units for around $1000 and I'm thinking of replacing the receiver with the CX-A5000. From what I can tell the only differences between the two (aside from the amplifiers) are the balanced outputs and the exclusive use of the 9016 DACs. Are there any other differences I am not aware of and do you think I will see much performance difference.


Scottieophile's picture

Hi Orcrone,

I also have a TGA 7401 and am considering the CX-A5000. Did you ever follow through and get this unit? I realize it's been a couple years since your last post. I would appreciate any feedback.

Scottieophile's picture

Looking to upgrade from Integra DHC 80.2. Is there anybody that has gone this route. Looking for feedback.

PunchyRedcrown's picture

These types of comments and thinking just blows my mind. "I like Marantz better..." "I prefer Onykyo..." You can get an Anthem AVM60 and MCA525 for the same price or close. Granted the MCA is 5 channels but 7+ is a niche market anyway and the Anthem absolutely blows the doors off of the Japanese "Big 4." Glad the author called it like he saw(heard) it. I can see them competing at the sub 1000 levels but you quickly get into Anthem/Arcam territory at higher price points. Really?