CD Review: Ray Davies

Working Man's Café Ammal/New West
Music •••• Sound ••••

This follow-up to 2006's fine Other People's Lives is but one more impressive addition to the erstwhile Kinkster's Katalogue - a noisy ramble through the American jungle that Ray Davies is clearly still affected by since his time living (and getting shot by a mugger) in pre-Katrina New Orleans. With his sharp eye for detail, he takes us to his hospital ward in "Morphine Song" and the post-storm streets on "The Voodoo Walk" and then reveals the internal as well as external fallout caused by relocation in "The Real World." He also brings the Iraq war home in "Peace in Our Time" and ultimately seeks harmony for, well, everyone on the planet in the anthemic "Hymn for a New Age." Amen to that, brother Ray.

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