Colorful Boston

In the wake of a declining market for traditional box speakers, Boston Acoustics has reinvented themselves with a new style [and logo]. Know as the Personal Options Plan or P.O.P. for short, all their new speakers are made of molded plastic exteriors. However, when you rap on the sides or pick up the speaker you become aware that this is just for aesthetics. Inside is the same Boston engineering with a rigid wooden baffle.

The shell is available in three different colors and the grilles are available in a number of eye-popping colors. There are several different sizes, from towers to mini-bookshelves, making it possible to mix and match for any size speaker system that your room and budget can afford.

Taking it even a step further the SoundWare Series comes in the same colors and designed for use outdoors. Prices for the entire P.O.P. series are modest and easily accessible for most consumers.