Epson PowerLite Home Cinema 8350 LCD Projector Settings
Keep in mind that unit-to-unit variations, viewing environment, source, and screen (in the case of front projectors) might render the settings I used less than optimum on some samples of this display. On the other hand, some parameters should be set to the same values presented here regardless of these factors. In the following list, the parameters that can be set with confidence to the specified values have no asterisk.
Parameters flagged with a single asterisk are likely to require different settings than mine. I encourage you to acquire a display-setup disc such as HD Benchmark on Blu-ray or any of the several setup DVDs available and use it to set these controls yourself.
Parameters flagged with a double asterisk are also likely to require different settings than mine, but they should be adjusted only by a qualified technician with the skill and equipment to do the job correctly.
Thanks to Joel Silver, president of the Imaging Science Foundation, for suggesting that I identify the picture controls in this manner.
Image Menu
Color Mode: Cinema
*Brightness: 0
*Contrast: -10
*Color Saturation: 0
*Tint: 0
Sharpness: Advanced
- Thin Line Enhancement: 4
- Thick Line Enhancement: 0
- Vertical Line Enhancement: 1
- Horizontal Line enhancement: 4
*Skin Tone: 2
Power Consumption: Eco
Auto Iris: Off
Gamma: 2.4
- **Offset R: 15
- **Offset G: 0
- **Offset B: 23
- **Gain R: -10
- **Gain G: 0
- **Gain B: -17
Signal Menu
Aspect: Normal
Progressive: Film/Auto
Motion Detection: 3
2-2 Pulldown: On
Noise Reduction: Off
Epson Super White: Off
Overscan: Off
HDMI Video Range: Normal
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