First Take: Jay Mohr
To borrow a line from your days on Saturday Night Live, how much ya bench, buddy? [exhales] Not much these days. Not my weight, that's for sure. My arms are too long; I've convinced myself that's why. If I was some short guy with sharp, muscle-y arms, I could just toss around 225.
I was one of those people who actually watched Action from the beginning, regardless of where it got sent on the schedule ... You're the one!
Yeah, that was me. So don't take this the wrong way, but your character on the series, über movie producer Peter Dragon, was a bit of a prick. Yet you played him so well that we had to like him no matter what he did. Thanks. I've always liked antiheroes, whether they be Archie Bunker or Buffalo Bill.
You had free rein to do whatever you wanted with the character. Yeah, they let me say and do pretty much whatever I wanted. I was lucky.
The Action DVD is uncensored, but when the show first aired on Fox in 1999, certain words were bleeped - or mouths were pixelated. There were never any illusions about that. It was obvious we had to be bleeped because we just rolled with the F-bombs. Constantly. When the network began pixelating mouths in addition to the bleeping, it became a farce. We had these visually stunning shots from handheld cameras going in circles - and timed so they were always behind me when I'd curse. But it was too expensive to shoot around someone's mouth all the time. That's when we knew we were on the slippery slope to goodbye.
Was it liberating to be able to say the F-word instead of words like "darn"? Well, yeah, I'd rather not say anything than have to say, "kiss my butt." That just drives me insane. "I don't give a darn." It's not real life. So I'd rather say nothing.
Does it feel good to have the whole show collected on DVD? It's liberating. It means we were right. Because everyone always asks me on my website [], "When, when, when is the show coming out on DVD?" And now I have an answer. It's thrilling. [pauses] I sound like a dope: "It's thrilling."
You should have said, "It's darn thrilling." It's f'ing sweet.
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