Forget RGB, Sharp is developing CYRGB displays
Sharp is working on incorporating cyan and yellow into the red-green-blue color set displays currently use. According to the company, this CYRGB color set can reproduce over 99% of visible surface colors (paints, pigments, and other colors that reflect, rather than emit, light).
Because of the radically different pixel structure and design (5 colors compared to 3 colors), this could be a huge leap in display technology. It could also be a technical flight of fancy, depending on how feasible it is in the retail market. We won't find out which it is for a while, though; while Sharp has developed the display, it isn't getting a commercial release for some time. It's strictly in its first-generation phase at this point.
Now how about a little love for magenta? It's probably feeling left out.
- Will Greenwald
[Source: Engadget HD]
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