Galaxy Quest—Dreamworks Pictures (Blu-ray)

Video: 4.25/5
Audio: 4.5/5
Extras: 3.5/5

For four years, the courageous crew of the NSEA protector * "Commander Peter Quincy Taggart", "Lt. Tawny Madison and "Dr. Lazarus" - set off on a thrilling and often dangerous mission in space... and then their series was cancelled! Now, twenty years later, aliens under attack have mistaken the Galaxy Quest television transmissions for "historical documents" and beam up the crew of has-been actors to save the universe. With no script, no director and no clue, the actors must turn in the performances of their lives.

Few parodies have ever come close to nailing a genre as well as this film has. Anyone who is even remotely interested in Star Trek would find themselves laughing out loud at this one and its perfect ability to poke fun at all the little things that made Trek what it was. The cast is terrific here and while it is a comedy, it manages to do the action scenes quite well. Great to see this one finally making its way to Blu-ray!

The A/V presentation is quite good here though not quite reference material. The video can be a bit soft at times, no doubt due to the filming style, but fine object detail holds up well. The special effects still look good, though slightly dated. Contrast levels are strong and overall dimensionality is good, but a bit short of the best transfers out there. The Dolby TrueHD 5.1 mix is a lot of fun with solid surround cues and deep bass extension. Imaging is dead on across the mains and the mix has a pretty open feel to it.

Extras delve into the production and take a look at the making of the film, the cast and the special effects. You also get some outtake stuff, trailers and deleted scenes.

This film has always been a lot of fun and is by far one of my favorite spoofs of the sci-fi genre. The cast is terrific and this Blu-ray serves up a satisfying presentation all around. Recommended.