Imagine Me & You—20th Century Fox
Audio: 3
Extras: 2
As she walks down the aisle at her own wedding, Rachel locks eyes for the first time with the female florist, and it’s love at first sight (literally, as she says) in the BBC production Imagine Me & You, an amiable, innocuous, and no-surprises film that leads you exactly where you think it will. Coyote Ugly star Piper Perabo is the newly married and now torn Brit who just can’t ignore the feelings she has no matter how hard she tries, and Lena Headey is Luce, the gay florist who also happens to feel the same.
The 2.35:1 anamorphic video showcases Ben Davis’ cinematography and renders a beautifully photographed London full of scenic gray skylines, as well as brilliant colors and people. The Dolby Digital 5.1 mix makes the sometimes too quick witty dialogue and English accents clear. Extras are familiar, with a director’s commentary and deleted/extended scenes with or without commentary. Matthew Goode (Match Point) is charismatic as Rachel’s husband, as is Darren Boyd as best friend Cooper, the dealer of lots of the funny lines.
Although the movie’s not wonderfully original by any stretch, there’s nothing not to like in it, either. If you’re looking for something that will absolutely throw no twists or real challenges at you, give you a few laughs, toss in some corniness, and keep the potential emotional mess at bay, you will be comforted knowing that this will do just that. Writer/director Ol Parker’s script is warm, droll, and will take you exactly where you want it to go.
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