
M:i:III may not be the best entry in the Mission Impossible franchise (my vote goes to the first), but it will do as a reasonably entertaining entry in that deliriously implausible, action packed franchise until the inevitable IV comes along.

Paramount has given us a sharply detailed transfer of the film in this 2-disc Blu-ray set (also available on HD DVD, DVD, and as part of a package set including all three films). Disc 2 includes a load of extra features, some of them (including deleted scenes) in full high definition).

The video is highly stylized in color, sometimes grainy, and sometimes a little crushed in the blacks, but that appears to be as intended. It's a superb transfer of what it is: a film that, by design, is rarely slick or pristine.

The DD audio is also well done, but does not stand out in the way that many of the best soundtracks do. There's nothing really wrong with it, but as a generic action soundtrack it sounds, well, like a generic action soundtrack. Up to date, but never surprising in any way.

(Picture: 9 (out of 10), Sound: 8.5, Film: 7)