Mitsubishi WD 6500 DLP Projection Television HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: Mitsubishi WD 6500 DLP Projection Television

The top chart shows the gray scale of the Mitsubishi WD 6500 HDTV relative to its color temperature at various levels of intensity, or brightness (20 IRE is dark gray; 95 IRE is bright white). As you can see, the gray scale as set by the factory, in the most accurate menu setting, measures 7,300 degrees Kelvin with dark images and leans more toward 7,200 degrees K with brighter images. The bottom chart shows the gray scale (or color temperature) relative to the color points of the display's red, green, and blue CRTs. The color points come close to those specified by SMPTE, which means the display will reproduce the colors available in the system. The gray scale is slightly blue from the factory. The light output was approximately 36 foot-lamberts. The display has poor DC restoration in NTSC and better with progressive-scan input. The WD 6500 has a fair color decoder pushing toward the red hue.—RW

WD 6500 DLP Projection Television
(800) 332-2119