Hej nice article but for me it misses the point of music and audio. Emotional connection or immersion with the content. Music is so much more than data.
I say this as a producer who strives to maintain for pristine gear paths and choices but knowing that sometimes this is all irrelevant to the subjective joys or feelings music brings us all.
When the markets end user is after quick download for instant gratification this leaves the high res audio even further in minority.
As a marketing tool and obsessive hobby there is place for this, but it will not overtake MP3 for a long time, because reality has it that of the billions of people on the planet, most are on less than $10 a day income.
They can never even afford equipment with standards like this but they can still enjoy music as much as any rich person can.
For those audiophiles reading this , how about over to the gearslutz.com forums and talk to trusted and proven engineers about sampling rates and you will find scientific studies and opinions to further this discussion.. Educate yourself on the physics and the fundamentals then go outside, give thanks you are one of the blessed ones with education and enjoy all music in all forms as a social highlight of our lives