THX to Certify 3D Blu

THX and BluFocus are getting together to "build an ecosystem of services to address the technical challenges of 3D post-production," a press release says. Their certification program will address a/v quality, artistic fidelity, viewer fatigue, and interoperability of discs and players.

The results would be three categories of certification. THX-BluFocus AV Certification would ensure that sound and image have the quality of the master. THX-BluFocus Creative Certification would examine all 3D elements to detect deviations from the director's intent or possible causes of viewing fatigue. THX-BluFocus Interoperability would certify that discs play seamlessly on 3D and 2D players, evaluating more than 100 players from different regions.

The press release explains: "One of the biggest reported concerns among consumers is experiencing fatigue from 3D video and glasses. THX and BluFocus are researching root causes of viewer fatigue to better understand the physiological effects of 3D. The goal is to work closely with content producers to implement best practices and guidelines for all 3D elements, including onscreen characters, objects, graphics and subtitles. THX-BluFocus certification also evaluates how 2D-to-3D conversion adds depth to the picture, and whether this added depth results in creative errors or flaws that deviate from the storyline or causes viewer fatigue."

See press release.