S&V's Top 50 DVDs of All Time

Yes, the DVDs here in the image gallery above represent some of the best movies and TV series ever made. But these are DVDs after all, and this is Sound & Vision. So in celebrating our 50th anniversary, we've taken way more than just the movie or series into account when figuring which are the best - things like the quality of the picture, sound, and extras, and all the other stuff that goes into creating a thrilling home theater experience. Note that the Top 5 TV DVDs get a section of their own, at the end of the gallery; which is why the movie list ends at No. 45 and not No. 50. Also, we've acknowledged the emerging Blu-ray Disc high-def format by naming its Top 10 releases so far (click on to the next page for that). Expect us to update and expand on that list sometime soon.

Click on the image above to see a gallery of the 50 Greatest DVDs of all time.

See the Top 10 Blu-ray Discs >>