Hey Goef,I think it was you that I sat next to on a flight from DFW to Burbank a couple months ago... I enjoyed the conversation. Too bad we didn't realize our shared "geekhood" earlier in the flight. You may remember I've got a couple Logan speakers and sub and a 60" Sony XBR. I'm now starting to look at the field for a good high current amp to drive the Logans. I'm also considering (big maybe) on going back to surroud ($$$$ on more Logans). I'm interested mainly in recommendations on who is good at driving the Logans (6 ohms nominal, 2 ohms at 20 kHz, and the speakers are supposed to be driven at 200 watts). (I got to your website from looking at the Denon AVR-5805, but I'm looking at Krell, Classe, Rotel, Sony ES, etc.) Thanks for any input you can provide. Hope to run into you again some time. Best of the holidays to you.- Charlie
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Hi Charlie. Send me an email at htletters@primedia.com, I'd be happy to help.

CABLES - How about some hard-hitting information on a/v interconnects and speaker wire? Blow the lid off the industry by proving that $2000 Kimber Kables sound no better than the in-the-box freebies with the component. Or convince us why spending that $2000 is worth it. As for speaker wire, $0.09/ft lamp cord, $3.00/ft Monster or $90.00/ft Kimber - what's the better value?

If we're talking gamer stuff, how about the wheels and pedals for XBOX and otehrs? Do they make the driving games more or less playable? I'll also add a vote for cables. Please tell me if I need to spend more money. Also, bi-wiring, is it over-rated?Thanks!