I picked up a Martin Logan Helos 20 speaker on Amazon. Can I use this as the rear speakers in a 5.1 system and use Polks for the front L/C/R?
Martin Logan
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Heil Air Motion tweeters
Submitted by kelsci on September 11, 2011 - 11:11am
I hope these tweeters are made better today. I state this because these tweeters seemed to malfunction in two different speaker units that I had my hands on. I do not know whether the tweeters or crossover components were at fault. When they did work I felt thay delivered a very nice high end. In the 80s, my brother had a 3 way Ess Heil air motion tower system connected to a Dynaco Pat 4 pre-amp and their St-120 power amp. Those speakers "sizzled" with the Dyanco components.