I hooked it up and got it going easily. Blu-Ray picture on The Last Emperor was impressive and I watched the entire 2h45m without problem. However, other times it will flash white over the entire display or just the bottom 1/2 to 1/3 every minute or so. This happened on Blu-Ray disc, DVD, Netflix, even on the Panasonic home screen. Intermittent, unpredictable, and thoroughly irritating. An email to Panasonic product support suggested doing a hard reset, which had no effect on the problem. They had no further suggestion on a user-applied fix.
This WHITE FLASH seems to be a common problem reported across the Internet about machines from various vendors. (Search using Google on +Panasonic +"blu ray" +"white flash" and get 20,000+ hits.)
I suggest anyone buying this machine or one of the other related models may want to make sure that the seller has a fair returns policy in case they run into the same problem. Glad I bought local and isolated the issue within 14 days.