You left out the you really care ? The answer for me would be a resounding NO
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Will You Watch the Olympics in 3D?
I'll be watching the 3D coveragewill you? If not, is it because you choose not to or that you don't have a 3D display or broadcast source?
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My thought exactly.
The Olympics aren't very interesting anymore, too much doping, women turned into men, and political agendas. It's enormously expensive and a target for terrorists, which causes even more expense.
There are also too many specialized "who cares?" games, like synchronized swimming, or games that already exist and are extensively televised, like basketball.
I propose that to make The Olympics interesting again we need to go back to simple feats of brawn performed nude, just like the original Greeks.
Ratings would increase enormously.

Yes I will watch them in 3D. Got the DVR set.

But I've cut the cord. My live TV watching is restricted to OTA so, no 3D broadcast for me. If I still had cable, I'd certainly check it out, especially the opening ceremony.