Mark, excellent review! I am thinking about purchasing this very model. My other choice is the comprably-priced Marantz. In general, how would you characterize the sonic characteristics of these D3 Elites to the Marantz receivers?
Pioneer Elite SC-71 AV Receiver
Efficient D3 amplification
AirPlay and iOS savvy
Dynamic, smooth, clean sound
Labyrinthine ergonomics
No multichannel ins or outs
Pioneer is the only AVR maker replacing Class AB amps with Class D on a large scale, and the results are excellent.
Add a feature, drop a feature—usually, that’s how the story goes for a new AV receiver. But features aren’t the whole story, or even the part of the story most readers want to hear. We found that out when we ran a poll at our website asking, “What’s your AVR deal-breaker?” The top two complaints were “not enough power” at 35 percent and “ineffective room correction” at 21 percent. “Too few features” and “too many features” got just seven points each, and trendy features like AirPlay, Bluetooth, and Wi-Fi scored in even lower single digits.
Pioneer’s ongoing effort to move its receivers into Class D amplifier territory has the potential to improve performance by directly addressing the “not enough power” complaint. The “3” in the D3 nomenclature used on its Class D models refers to this being Pioneer’s third generation Class D circuitry, one that was tweaked in partnership with the goldenears at London’s AIR Studios. Critically, in our measurements, D3 models generally live up to their rated power specs, and tend to show less drop-off in output in our demanding “all channels driven” tests. At 120 watts x 2 and $1,000, the Pioneer Elite SC-71 moves D3 downward in rated power and price point, making it the most affordable model yet. (Those selling for three figures are still Class AB.) How will the new guy fare? Skip to the measurements if the suspense is killing you.
The Elite SC-71 is comparable to the regular Pioneer line’s SC-1223-K in features and pricing. The main difference is that the Elite model is more custom installer-friendly, accommodating AMX, Control4, Crestron, RTI, Savant, and Universal Remote Control interfaces.
Elite’s familiar amber display sits above a flip-down door with the usual suspects behind it. One nicety is the iPod/iPhone/iPad button, which switches operation of those devices between their own controls and the receiver’s interface. You can make the switch via remote, but if you’re stepping up to the front panel to plug in the iconic white USB cable, it’s convenient to have a button to press while you’re there.
This is designated a 7.2-channel receiver, though it is really a 7.1-channel, meaning it has seven amp channels and two subwoofer line outputs that provide the same signal to a pair of subs. But there are nine sets of binding posts. The two extra pair might be dedicated to front height or width channels, or used for biamplifying the two main channels, or used for powering an extra pair of speakers in either the same room (B speakers) or a separate zone. With eight HDMI inputs—including a smartphone-friendly MHL-enabled one on the front—plus two outputs, as well as enough component video switching for two sources and a monitor, the receiver can feed three HD displays and accommodate plenty of HD source components.
Legacy AV or audio components are covered with four composite video and analog audio ins and two outs. That still leaves vast tracts of unused land in the middle and right-hand portions of the back panel. Pioneer isn’t the only manufacturer to act on this uncluttering impulse, but I’d like a $1K receiver to offer full sets of multichannel analog ins (to accommodate older or high end disc players featuring premium DACs) and outs (to enable the receiver to serve as a preamp/processor with an outboard amp if desired).
Pioneer has covered the Apple angle with built-in AirPlay wireless connectivity and an iOS-friendly front USB input. To add Bluetooth, you’ll need the AS-BT200 adapter ($99), a cigarette lighter-sized fella who plugs into a back port. For Wi-Fi, you’ll need the AS-WL300 adapter ($129). HTC Connect allows streaming from that brand of phone, including uncompressed WAV files. Spotify Connect enhances access to the music streaming service by letting you pick songs on a mobile device and listen through the receiver. Other network audio attractions include Pandora and vTuner Internet radio, the Windows 7 and 8 Play To feature, and of course DLNA to access media from a variety of devices.
I haven’t said much about Pioneer’s remote control or GUI in a long time—and perhaps I should. The remote hasn’t changed much. It offers a lot of extra functionality: There are dedicated buttons to select each zone, operate the dimmer, cycle among room-correction presets, and switch the phase control on and off. But the old-fashioned lotsa-buttons design may turn off the noobs. Likewise, the GUI, though decent, hasn’t been reorganized or cosmetically updated in a long time. Pioneer should at least make parts of it (excluding the more elaborate color diagrams) transparent so that changing settings on the fly won’t always obliterate onscreen content. In fact, the remote’s Audio Parameters button does access a few settings in a separate interface with minimal onscreen graphics. The iControlAV2013 Android and iOS app is one of the best of its type—and that’s why I’m still awarding four stars for ergonomics. Pioneer throws in an AirJam app, which allows up to four iOS devices to communally share playlists.
Associated equipment for this review included five Paradigm Reference Studio 20 v.4 speakers, a Paradigm Seismic 110 subwoofer, an Oppo BDP-83SE universal disc player, and a Lenovo Edge Win 7 laptop feeding a Meridian Direct USB DAC.
The D3 Difference
Dynamic is the first word that comes to mind; smoothand clean are the second and third, and power is the key to all that. This receiver has more of it than many in its price range. While not as brawny as, say, the SC-68 I reviewed a couple of years back, that model’s equivalent now costs twice as much. The SC-71 kept its top end sweet, its bass substantial, and its soundfield intact during high-decibel movie apocalypses. The one complaint in my notebook was a slight blandness and opacity in the midrange. This was more noticeable with music than with movies and turned out to be a side effect of Pioneer’s proprietary MCACC room correction, specifically as it interacted with my room and system (your mileage may vary). However, for polled readers who dislike “ineffective room correction,” the news about MCACC wasn’t all bad. It did improve imaging, tampered less with tonal balance than most other room-correction systems do, and was never grating with any content.
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I wonder if they'll start releasing stand-alone amps. If they can put out a $1,000 receiver with these specs, I can't help but think they'd do well releasing the same amplifier in its own chassis for just a little less money.

The sound part of the review was very good, but it is an audio-video receiver. Note the video part. There was really no mention of the video performance in the review. That is like giving a review of a new car saying that it looks great and sounds great at idle but never saying anything about how it performs when it is being driven. When Home Theater was taken over by Sound and Vision I was concerned that the video would get second seat in the reviews and it looks like my concerns are valid. This is a very incomplete review of what may be a very good receiver, but without the video part of the review it is not very useful.

Click on "test bench", and scroll down to the video test benchmarks.

I saw the little line with the video test results for the receiver before I wrote the comment. Almost all of the review was about the sound with only that small line about the video. If there had been a paragraph of two about the video that would have been something. The sound part was very well reviewed, but the video part was ignored except for that one small part in the last page of the review. I stand by what I said before. The review was only half done and not very useful because it failed to review the video section in any detail.

Although AVR includes the word "video" I think it's fair to state that many people buy higher end AVRs for their sound characteristics, room correction, networking, and features other than video processing/up-scaling which is a function already incorporated into display devices. Nearly all content is available in 1080p and the people who care about video quality will purchase or rent Blu-rays over DVDs and stream HD instead of standard resolution. All newer receivers should be able pass an unaltered HDMI signal and switch between video sources. The lack of a detailed qualitative review of an AVR's video capabilities seems appropriate.

Rob Sabin's response seems reasonable and it tells me why there was not as much about the video as the sound. I was somewhat surprise that I got replies to my comments, but that is good. They were good comments that explained some of the reasoning for the review as far as the main focus being on the sound in the written part of the review. For the record I have used the reviews from Home Theater in buying equipment. I bought a Denon 2313 receiver and Oppo 103 blue ray player. Thank you for the information in your replies. vidioCat_80

OK, this receiver has everything I need at the right price except...a phono input!
I have no plans to stop listening to my 2000+ LPs.
Wise up.

It's a good looking receiver; the front face is very elegant and distinguished (high society).
The rear panel is getting to where it should; more HDMI jacks, and less of everything else.
I also agree; @ this point in time it youl d be nice to see Pioneer, Denon, Marantz, Yamaha, ... offering affordable and high-quality sound separates.
The SSPs nowadays mainly only need HDMI jacks, and the multichannel power amps, like in this Pionner Elite receiver's scetion are sufficiant for most people.
Total cost for both; roughly between $1,000 and $2,000 depending on the total actual power, and total number of power amplifier channels, and the efficiency of the Correction & EQ system.
If Emotiva can do it, they all can do it.
Right now, Onkyo/Integra is the most versatile in that area.

I am a first time buyer. I have decided to buy the Pioneer SP-PK52FS speaker system and am looking for a receiver. I have 2 questions
1) I have read that the receiver has to be more powerful than the speaker. The front speakers of the pioneer have a max input power of 130 W (6 ohm). This receiver has 7 x 120 watts (8 ohms, 2 channels driven) is that sufficient ?
2) Does the THD vary based on 8 ohm or 6 ohm speaker ? For the Onkyo TX-NR626 this is the specification provided -- 95 Watts per Channel (8 Ohms, 20 Hz 20 kHz, 0.08% THD, 2 Channels Driven); 115 Watts per Channel (6 Ohms, 1 kHz, 0.7% THD, 2 Channels Driven)

great review as always, but I was wondering if you ever considered giving bi-amping readings in your test bench.
I think people would be very interested

I'm somewhat curious as to how this figure (7 X 106.8W) was arrived at when Pioneer's web site lists the following for the SC-71;
Power Output: Watts Multi ch Simultaneous Drive (8 ohms, 1 kHz, 1 %) - 560W
That's 560W vs 747.6W (which you got).

I am researching for my new HT setup and ran into similar questions. Add this spec to your above question...
Estimated Power Consumption/Standby with HDMI Control off: 260 W/0.1 W (standby)
If the total power consumption is 260W of electricity, is there a formula or some other relation to explain how it can output 560W of audio power?
I don't have technical knowledge but my only logical conclusion was that probably these two are different type of 'watts'.

Great review of the SC71. I agree with almost everything you have noted, and I wish I could say that I love the Elite SC71, but after setting it up in my home theater, I have to say that I am rather disappointed!
First off, I want to say that the unit performs very well when used with my Elite BluRay player and when streaming content like Pandora and issues there.
The biggest problem I am having, and it represent 90% of my overall use for this particular AVR, is that it does a horrible job decoding the Dolby Digital signal coming off my DirecTV HD receiver!
The channel decoding is completely inconsistent between TV stations. On many stations and on certain content there is absolutely no sound coming from the Center Channel! Also, the LFE is marginal at best, and sometimes there is zero bass signal being routed to my sub, even when the volume is turned up high!
The poor decoding is so bad that I cannot even use it to watch television. I've tried numerous modes for surround sound, and it doesn't make a difference. I've tried turning up the gain on the Center Channel and the Sub, and it also makes no difference. I've tried a new DirecTV receiver and it makes no difference!
It seems that the SC71 has a very difficult time consistently decoding the Dolby Digital signal. I have the signal coming in over HDMI.
I have no problems with my McIntosh MX-119 with the same DirecTV receiver.
Mark, if you have any advice for me, I would greatly appreciate it!

How does this compare to Denon AVR -x3000 or 4000?
Planning to power 4 ohm Martin logan speakers

Hi Mark,
Great review. I recently purchased the Pioneer SC-1523-K due in large part to the praise you gave the D3 amp technology being applied in your review of the Elite SC-71. I also was drawn by the inclusion of the Saber ESS DAC's now being used by Pioneer in my receiver. I am very happy with my new unit, but have to admit, I would like to have your know-how and experience to maximize the set up of system.
My question to you is, what do you think of the DAC's being used in the SC-1523, and what are your thoughts of the price ($799) today for so much performance?

How are the SC Pioneers with say my psb silver i or Focus Audio FC 8 speakers. 4 ohm speakers