"Don’t even think about seeing “full Ultra HD” on broadcast. After spending millions on the transition to HD little more than 10 years ago, do you really think terrestrial stations will spend more to offer Ultra HD any time soon?"
Does anyone really care if cable, satellite, or OTA broadcast upgrades to UHD? They are relics, and most people are moving away from those providers as primary sources anyway. UHD IS available RIGHT NOW from Amazon, Netflix, YouTube and other streaming services...Amazon is supporting HDR, RIGHT NOW.
Comcast, Time Warner, DirecTV and the rest are going to be FORCED to catch up, FAST, if they want to compete. And, actually, they are. I have seen articles talking about Comcast (Tivo as well) releasing UHD capable set top boxes THIS YEAR, and DirecTV is also releasing UHD set tops THIS YEAR.
This isn't going to be a repeat of the transition from SD to HD, this is happening MUCH faster this time around.