Is WIFIPLUG HOME Really the "Smartest Plug on Earth"?

The folks at WIFIPLUG claim that their WIFIPLUG HOME Wi-Fi-enabled plug is—or will be when it begins shipping to customers sometime around April—the "Smartest Plug on Earth". That's a pretty electrifying statement; and, since I haven't checked out every other smart plug on the planet, I'm in no position to say it's not. I can, however, tell you that the WIFIPLUG HOME is a pretty darn impressive smart plug. For starters, it's a Wi-Fi-enabled plug that doesn't require any additional hardware to operate. In fact, after setting up the WIFIPLUG HOME with the WIFIPLUG app by simply scanning the device's barcode, you can put your smartphone away. The HOME can be controlled via all three of the main voice recognition platforms: Alexa (Amazon), Siri (Apple HomeKit), and Google. It's also IFTTT compatible, so you can set up all kinds of automation using that popular online service.

The HOME includes other unique technologies.

  • Ecosense: identifies standby devices and turns them off automatically after learning your routine. WIFIPLUG says this feature alone can save up to $200 per year in electricity costs. (I'm a little skeptical of that amount, but we'll see once we get our hands on a review sample.) As a result, WIFIPLUG claims that it's "the only smart plug that pays for itself."
  • Heartbeat Mode: learns your routine and mimics your on/off behavior with lights connected to the HOME when you're out of the house.
  • Real-Time Energy: the HOME allows you to track the energy usage of your connected devices, appliances, and lights via the app.
  • Geofencing: the app can be programmed to turn on all of your connected devices, appliances, and lights as soon as you return home.
  • Real-Time Notifications: you can get notified in real-time of all updates, changes to devices, and power usage of connected items.

The WIFIPLUG HOME is available for pre-order now at $39.99/each (with discounts for orders of 2, 4, or 6 HOMEs). Shipping is expected to begin early in the 2nd quarter of 2018.

Tommy Lee's picture

I'm getting pretty tired of electronic devices that think they're smarter than I am. Usually they are not. My "routine" would be very hard to learn.

pw's picture

My expensive Oyaide RC1 and other Japanese High End AC wall outlets are much smarter in that they are exquisitely made like Technological Jewelery ..

CinemaDude's picture

Sorry, I am old-school. I was never awed by smartphones and to this day, all I ever want mine to do it make telephone calls (now THERE'S a quaint word..."telephone!"), maybe take a picture now an then. I've got about 6 apps on mine and I only use 3 of them regularly; I am SURE I will not be motivated to add another one that I will more than likely never open. There is no mention here of a computer interface; if the only way to connect to this smartplug is via maneuvering around a smartphone screen and it can't be accessed it via my computer, it's dead to me. I am not interested in yet another "app" (always HATED that abbreviation...what, are we so lazy that we can't say the word application?). Give me software for my PC -- yes, a PC, not a MAC -- or leave me alone. My X10 units (using Control over Power Line) have been controlling all my outlets and lights since the 1970 and using a master computer-based program and module plus wired and wireless remote units. I can't even adding the word "smart" will do anything more for me than the older, perfectly reliable technology is doing now. I don't need a plug to "learn" anything about me.

andremethew's picture

How cool! is that it's in my office too, at custom badges UK company we are really moving towards the unrealistic things.