Many if not most AV receivers can accept HDMI and pass the video through while extracting the audio. That's one of their primary functions after all. If you're doing 4K, of course, you need a receiver that's capable of passing that signal through.
An issue I've had with several TVs, using the optical output to the receiver (which you'll have to keep, anyway, to run TV sound from OTA), is loss of lip sync. Whether it's the TV doing it or the DAC in the receiver, I don't know, and it seems to vary by TV and DAC (when I used an external DAC it was worse), but there's a noticeable delay when playing through the receiver. If the TV speakers are left on, there's a really bad echo effect. Interestingly, in the old days (before DTV), the analog audio outs from the TV to the receiver did not produce this effect - but analog out is disabled with digital program material in most TVs now.