stayed home & surfed the interweb....
What Did You Do on Black Friday?
So did you join in on the Black Friday frenzy with the intention of jumpstarting your holiday shopping? Or did you partake in another, more cunning plan? Your fellow readers (and we editors) want to know! Don’t forget to leave a comment if you have a deal-of-the-century story to share.
What Did You Do on Black Friday?
I wasn’t about to wait until Friday so I skipped the pumpkin pie and hit the stores Thursday evening.
4% (18 votes)
I got up insanely early and made the retail rounds, hit list in hand.
1% (6 votes)
I got up insanely early and made the retail rounds with no particular plan in mind.
1% (3 votes)
I stayed home but searched out the best Black Friday deals online.
25% (107 votes)
I stayed home with the intention of seeking out the best online deals on (Cyber) Monday.
5% (23 votes)
To hell with Black Friday…I stayed home, watched college football, and ate leftovers.
63% (272 votes)
Total votes: 429
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I drove...
Submitted by jnemesh on November 27, 2018 - 7:47am
From Las Cruces, NM to Twin Falls ID. (and on to Seattle the following day)

I worked...
Submitted by Biffstar on November 27, 2018 - 9:39am
I was at work... because not everybody lives in the U.S. and has the day off.

I’m definitely in the “to
Submitted by ceradi14 on October 3, 2024 - 5:46am
I’m definitely in the “to hell with Black Friday” camp this year! I stayed home, watched some football, and enjoyed leftovers. The thought of battling crowds just wasn’t appealing, especially with so many deals available online now. That said, I’ll probably check out some Cyber Monday deals to finish off my holiday shopping while someone is working on my homework (see paper don reviews for more info). If you're still on the hunt for good deals or trying to balance schoolwork with holiday chaos, paperdon might be a helpful resource.