Fandango Acquires Video-On-Demand Service Vudu

Walmart-owned VOD service Vudu has announced that it is being purchased by Fandango, owner of competing digital video online storefront FandangoNow. News of the deal was sent out to registered users of the site on Monday, with details posted on the company’s blog.

What does this mean for those who have purchased movies or TV shows from Vudu or used the service as a cloud locker for titles purchased on disc (Movies Anywhere, etc.)? Not a thing, according to a FAQ the company posted around the same time as the announcement. The Vudu app will continue work as normal on whatever device you have it installed on, and your existing purchased movie/TV library will remain intact and available for streaming. You can also continue to redeem digital copies on the service.

Big picture implications? The key one is that the combined businesses will be better primed to compete with Apple’s iTunes and Amazon, both of which also offer streamed movies for rental and/or purchase. Studios are making many new titles directly available for streaming—an effect of the current social distancing situation that has caused theaters to temporarily shutter, but also one that may become the new reality when they open again. With FandangoNow serving as an offshoot of Fandango, a site that earns revenue selling movie theater tickets online, the extra streaming business brought in by the Vudu acquisition could help to offset current and future declines in theatrical ticket sales.


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alchav21's picture

Will Sound & Vision add Streaming Movies to their Reviews? With so many Streaming Providers with no Quality Reviews we need someone to lead the way. will S&V take this on?