How to Use an AV Receiver to Add Surround to a 2-Channel Setup

There's a surprisingly wide range of preferences among audio-video fans. I'll categorize them here into two broad groups: classic 2-channel audiophiles and home theater fans. Not that these groups don't overlap. They often do. But there are listeners in each group who don't intersect with the other. That's mostly true of 2-channel fans, who often dismiss anything involving video or surround sound. There are certainly surround-for-music enthusiasts, but they're a minority. Attend any hi-fi show and you'll rarely experience music in surround. And while more surround music sources exist than you might imagine, it's swamped by the tsunami of 2-channel-only recordings.

The 2-channel audiophile (again, with exceptions) isn't typically a film fan, or at least is likely to satisfy what interest he or she has in movies either in a theater or on a 2-channel TV setup at home. In many cases the latter involves hearing the film over the TV's internal audio. Yes, you can route film sound from your TV to your main 2-channel speakers, but that might not always be easy to do. And there's often no convenient way to do it and also add a center speaker, surrounds, and a subwoofer or two for surround on films.

Yes, you can replace your existing electronics, or at least a 2-channel preamp, with a surround sound A/V receiver or pre-pro and a multichannel amp. But that's likely to not only be pricey but also risk audio withdrawal and/or exile from your 2-channel social media group. A less drastic solution involves adding an affordable A/V receiver (new or used, as long as it offers preamp outputs for the left and right front channels), plus possibly a modest Blu-ray player, a pair of surround speakers, and the now or later option of a center channel speaker and one or two subwoofers.

I'll limit the discussion here largely to the addition of the AVR and a pair of surrounds. The latter can be modest and don't have to precisely match the timbre of the fronts. The A/V receiver should offer the number of on-board amps you anticipate either now or later for the added channels beyond your 2-channel setup; I'd recommend three as a minimum (two surrounds and a center, even if the latter isn't added immediately). The power rating for the receiver amps' output matters little if you never plan on adding a center, but I'd recommend at least 100 watts per channel for an average-sized room if a center is in your present or future plans (the center speaker, as it's commonly mischaracterized, is not just for dialogue).

In this arrangement the 2-channels of audio amplification currently serving the main 2-channel speaker setup are unchanged for 2-channel listening. (The connections for its current sources remain plugged into the main channel's preamp/amp or integrated amp). When listening to a 2-channel source, the receiver and extra speakers can be powered off.

The left and right analog preamp outputs of the receiver should be connected to an unused set of L/R inputs on the 2-channel preamp or integrated amp that drives the existing L/R, 2-channel speakers. The new, added speakers (surrounds plus possibly a center channel and/or subs) should be connected to the similarly designated amp outputs on the A/V receiver.

New surround sources should all be connected to appropriate inputs on the A/V receiver. The latter should be set up using the level matching settings found in all AVRs. Set the preamp/amp driving the main L/R speakers to the input connected to the AVR so that the main L/R levels are included in this level calibration process. When listening to 2-channel music without surround you can reset the main preamp/amp level control to whatever volume level is needed, but always return it to the setting used in the level calibration process when the AVR is engaged for surround sound. In surround use the overall level will be set at the AVR.

Also set the configuration controls on the AVR to appropriate settings. When using a center and surrounds, if you set the left and right channels on the AVR to full range and the center and surrounds to 80Hz (or the bass rolloff frequency of your choice), all of the bass below 80Hz will be directed to the presumably more bass-capable left and right front 2-channel amp and speakers. If you're also using a subwoofer connected to the AVR, set the subwoofer output to on and all of the other speakers settings to 80Hz, or whatever crossover frequency you select. This will send all of the bass to the subwoofer, even the bass that would otherwise go to the left and right main front speakers if no subwoofer were involved. I don't recommend setting the left and right speakers to full range when a subwoofer is also engaged; this won't harm anything but it will mess up the bass room modes and likely produce inferior results. Note that when you turn off the AVR in this setup and use only the main L/R speakers and their resident amps for 2-channel playback, the left and right speakers will handle the bass and the subwoofer will be silent. Some 2-channel audiophiles might prefer this for 2-channel music listening, particularly if the subwoofer isn't overly accomplished.

(The setup described here can instead be configured to engage the subwoofer at all times, with and without the AVR in the chain. But this can be complicated to do properly as most 2-channel preamps or integrated amps don't offer subwoofer outputs, and if they do they can't always filter the audio going to the main speakers so that only the subwoofer handles the bass.)

The sources available for surround sound using this setup will include either a disc player (preferably Blu-ray) and/or streaming. Since most video streaming devices are either enclosed within the TV or designed to be connected directly to a TV's HDMI input, sending the audio from there to the AVR will require that both the TV and the AVR offer ARC (audio return channel) or better yet, eARC. The latter offers superior (lossless) audio. Most new AVRs offer ARC or eARC, but many older ones do not. Ditto older TVs.

If you can't use streaming, a relatively basic Blu-ray player is a viable alternative if films will be your primary surround source. Don't have a large collection of video discs, or don't want to buy them? Check your local library. Mine, in a town of under 15,000, offers hundreds of movies on disc for free checkout.

One other downside here is that if your add-on AVR offers room correction, that can only be employed with the AVR engaged and on AVR-connected sources. Only the rarest of 2-channel amps and preamps offer any type of room correction, since most 2-channel enthusiasts avoid complex audio processing.

51514brad's picture

I wonder if you have a recommendation in a home theatre/two channel system such as you've described for the two channel preamp's volume? Mid volume? Close to full volume? What do you suggest would work best?

Thomas J. Norton's picture
Ideally you'll want the preamp level control set to what's typically called a unity gain setting, but determining that requires at least some basic test gear. The maker of your preamp might be able to provide that information; just ask for the unity gain setting via a normal (not phono) input).

Absent that, when in the surround configuration I'd set the preamp to a level you might comfortably use when listening to music over the two-channel-only setup. Use that preamp setting when calibrating the AVR setup for surround and whenever using the AVR. That way you're unlikely to be blasted when moving from the surround setup to the 2-channel, AVR-free configuration.

adamschule85's picture

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3ddavey13's picture

I once had a similar setup to create a 7.1 channel system and found (with help from a sound meter) that a volume setting of -30dB worked best. This might be a good starting point since many processors/receivers come preset at this level.

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GinnyMiller's picture

It seems like you're discussing the preferences and setup considerations for two broad groups of audio-video enthusiasts: classic 2-channel audiophiles and home theater fans. While there may be some overlap between these groups, they often have distinct preferences and priorities.

2-channel audiophiles typically focus on high-quality audio reproduction and may not prioritize video or surround sound. They might enjoy movies either in a theater or on a 2-channel TV setup, often relying on the TV's internal audio. Adding a surround sound system to a 2-channel setup can be challenging and may require replacing existing electronics, which can be expensive and potentially alienate the 2-channel community.

One option for adding surround sound capabilities without significant changes to the 2-channel setup involves incorporating an affordable A/V receiver (AVR) with preamp outputs for the front channels. This setup allows for the addition of surround speakers, a center channel, and subwoofers. The power rating of the receiver's amplifiers becomes more relevant when considering a center channel speaker.

In this configuration, the existing 2-channel setup remains unchanged, and the left and right analog preamp outputs of the AVR are connected to unused inputs on the 2-channel preamp or integrated amp. The additional speakers are connected to the designated amp outputs on the AVR. The AVR should be set up using level matching settings, and its configuration controls should be adjusted accordingly.

When using a center channel and surrounds, appropriate bass management settings should be applied. For example, setting the left and right channels to full range and the center and surrounds to 80Hz would direct frequencies below 80Hz to the left and right front speakers. If a subwoofer is connected, its output should be enabled, and all other speakers' settings should be set to 80Hz or the desired crossover frequency.

It's important to note that the subwoofer will only be active when the AVR is engaged for surround sound. When using the 2-channel setup, the left and right speakers will handle the bass, and the subwoofer will be silent. Some 2-channel audiophiles may prefer this configuration, especially if the subwoofer is not of high quality.

To utilize streaming as a surround sound source, both the TV and AVR should ideally support ARC (audio return channel) or eARC (enhanced audio return channel). These features enable sending audio from the TV to the AVR. Alternatively, a basic Blu-ray player can be used for surround sound if films are the primary source. Public libraries often offer movie discs for free checkout if you don't have an extensive collection.

One limitation of this setup is that if the add-on AVR offers room correction, it can only be applied when the AVR is engaged and with AVR-connected sources. Most 2-channel amps and preamps do not offer room correction capabilities, as they typically focus on simpler audio processing.

Overall, this configuration provides an option for incorporating surround sound capabilities into a 2-channel setup while maintaining the integrity of the existing audio setup for 2-channel listening. Junk pickup Wesley Chapel

donna1205's picture

Connect your main stereo speakers to the corresponding speaker terminals on the AV receiver. Usually, these are labeled as "Front" or "Left" and "Right." Ensure the polarity (+/-) of the speaker slither io wires matches the terminal markings.

sproutlead's picture

Well written article, thank you for sharing. We are fans of in home theatres ourselves, we love movie nights! -

miko_02's picture

Could you recommend the optimal volume for a two-channel preamp in a home theater/two-channel system as per your spackle description?

Lucas020's picture

It's fascinating to see the diverse preferences within the audio-video enthusiast community. Classic 2-channel audiophiles and home theater fans certainly share a passion for audio quality, but there's a clear distinction in their focus. While there's some overlap, some 2-channel purists might dismiss the immersive experience of home theater. For those interested in exploring this topic further, it might be worthwhile to buy an essay that delves into the nuances of these distinct audio-video preferences. Such an essay could provide valuable insights into the evolving landscape of entertainment technology.

Ehto's picture

It's fascinating to see the detailed solutions for blending surround sound with a traditional 2-channel setup. Will definitely consider this for my next surround sound setup. Thanks Sound & Vision for your installation in our office! From the team at Best Gutter Cleaning.

lunafrost's picture

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Socio Influencer's picture

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katherinerose6's picture

There are certainly surround-for-music enthusiasts, but they're a minority.

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AnnMount's picture

Great insights on the audiophile community! It’s interesting how preferences can diverge between 2-channel enthusiasts and home theater fans. I often feel that a mix can enhance the experience, much like how poptropica blends adventure with learning in a fun way. Embracing elements from both worlds can lead to a richer audio-visual journey. It’d be cool to see more discussions about how to merge these experiences effectively!

katherinerose6's picture

There are certainly surround-for-music enthusiasts, but they're a minority.
Providence RPM Mobile Mechanic