Goo Goo Walls

Looking for home theater on the cheap? The 1280x720 InFocus ScreenPlay 5000 LCD projector can be had at Costco for $999. Follow the directions glued to the box and they’ll mail you a 72” screen as well. Not that the guy in front of me in the checkout line was going to bother with a screen. Last year he bought his first projector and just painted his basement wall white. This second InFocus projector was for his kid (click here to download adoption papers).

“What kind of paint did you use?” I asked
“Flat white.”
“There are all kinds of ‘white’” I ventured.
“Oh, yeah, plain white.”

I guess we were through discussing that.

Screens are best, but if you have to paint, check out this Goo . It may not be Stewart Screen in a can, but I hear it’s pretty decent stuff. Has anybody tried it? Let me know how it is.