MPAA: Don't rip DVDs, just point a camera at your TV

The MPAA is a touchy subject for a lot of folks. Nothing sparks internet debate quite like the mention of their name (unless of course you're talking about the RIAA). In this video, they demonstrate how it's possible to make "high quality" movie clips by pointing a camcorder at a display and using a line-in to get the audio. The process is intended for film professors, who have the legal right to break copy protection and use clips in the classroom. The funny part is how they continue to emphasize how similar the resulting clips are, but yet they're arguing to make one of the methods illegal. This whole battle is getting rather tiresome from a consumer standpoint. It seems like a no-brainer that we should be able to rip DVDs just as we do CDs. But, until that happens, you can always go out and get yourself a Kaleidescape. Or, you could just bust out the camcorder.