Rotel RSX-1057 AV Receiver Review System

Review System

Integra Research RDV-1.1 Universal Player
Samsung SIR TS-360 DirecTV and over-the-air High-Definition receiver
DirecTV TiVo standard definition
Display device
Fujitsu P50XHA30WS 50" Plasma Cables
Interconnects: Audioquest Jaguar
Speaker: Audioquest Montblanc
Optical Digital: Audioquest Opti-Link 3 optical cable
Coaxial Digital: Audioquest VDM-5 coaxial, Straightwire Silverlink II
Video cable: Audioquest YIQ-3 component

mayo72218's picture

I find the Martin Logan speaker hard to use. it can be fully updated at

jeffreestar's picture

The measurements and observations provided in this passage offer valuable information for potential buyers or enthusiasts interested in understanding the performance and cookie clicker capabilities of the Rotel receiver in various scenarios, especially when connected to challenging speakers like the Martin Logan ones.

timothyferriss's picture

These measurements give a solid impression of the Rotel's power delivery and performance under Bitlife different loads. However, it will be interesting to see how it performs with more typical speakers in the follow-up review.