Snell Acoustics LCR7 Speaker System HT Labs Measures

HT Labs Measures: Snell Acoustics LCR7 Speaker System

L/C/R Sensitivity: 91 dB from 500 Hz to 2 kHz

Surround Sensitivity: 85 dB from 500 Hz to 2 kHz

This graph shows the quasi-anechoic (employing close-miking of all woofers) frequency response of the LCR7 L/C/R (purple trace), ICS Sub300 subwoofer (blue trace), and K7 surround (red trace). All passive loudspeakers were measured at a distance of 1 meter with a 2.83-volt input and scaled for display purposes.

The LCR7's listening-window response (a five-point average of axial and +/–15-degree horizontal and vertical responses) measures +1.41/–1.94 decibels from 200 hertz to 10 kilohertz. An average of axial and +/–15-degree horizontal responses measures +2.09/–1.91 dB from 200 Hz to 10 kHz. The –3dB point is at 89 Hz, and the –6dB point is at 72 Hz. Impedance reaches a minimum of 4.17 ohms at 205 Hz and a phase angle of –40.31 degrees at 2.1 kHz.

The K7's listening-window response measures +0.71/–3.86 dB from 200 Hz to 10 kHz. The –3dB point is at 84 Hz, and the –6dB point is at 55 Hz. Impedance reaches a minimum of 4.39 ohms at 3.3 kHz and a phase angle of –59.19 degrees at 2.2 kHz.

The ICS Sub300's close-miked response, normalized to the level at 80 Hz, indicates that the lower –3dB point is at 26 Hz and the –6dB point is at 24 Hz. The upper –3dB point is at 127 Hz using the Sub input.—MJP

Snell Acoustics
(978) 538-6262