CSI: NY The Complete First Season—Paramount

Video: 4
Audio: 3
Extras: 3

The third series in the juggernaut forensics franchise brings the police procedural to the city of NYPD Blue, quite literally. In stark contrast to the orange and mango hues of CSI: Miami, NY is bathed in deep, metallic blues and grays, making investigators and killers look as if they could use a good dose of Florida sun. Nowhere is the disparity between the look of the two shows as apparent as in the pilot, which blends both locales as it introduces the new cast.

Leading that crew is Gary Sinise, who convincingly plays Mac Taylor, head CSI, former Marine, and mourning 9/11 widower. Taylor throws himself into his work, largely as a way of dealing with his loss, but season one (and the in-progress season two) serves up hints of the man behind the badge, such as when he reveals to a comatose crime victim that the only item belonging to his wife he saved was a beach ball, because it holds her breath. Sinise is supported by a strong cast that includes Melina Kanakaredes and Eddie Cahill. It's a distinctively New York team all the way.

Seven of the 24 episodes, including the pilot, feature commentary by creator Anthony Zuiker and various producers. The last platter in the seven-disc set contains five featurettes running about 10 minutes each and covering the sets, the characters, the city, and (as is typical for CSI DVDs) the science. It's fairly standard stuff, but, combined with a nice 1.85:1 anamorphic presentation and a bass-rich Dolby Digital 5.1 soundtrack, it's enough to keep fans satisfied—at least until CSI: Cleveland.