HD DVD Coming - Just Not Yet

Toshiba has decided that an HD DVD player without an HD DVD disc is like an anchor without a boat - or at least a product without a reason to buy it.

The decision comes in the middle of Toshiba's HD DVD tour around the U.S. and a week after big HD DVD supporter Warner Home Video announced it would not ship the first HD DVD titles until April 18.

Toshiba hasn't set a new official hardware roll out date, although it indicated the launch will be timed to coincide with the release of the first HD DVD titles.

The decision was evidently made at the last minute and some retailers involved with the hardware roll out heard about the delay from reading a news reports. Most are still taking preorders for the hardware, however.

Although Sony made no official announcement regarding the HD DVD delay, lots of shouting and high-fives were reportedly heard outside the company's corporate offices. The Playstation 3 division was given a five-minute break period and then were told to get back to work.