The Wonderful World of Wi-Fi Page 5

Philips iPronto Remote Control

All Wi-Fi A/V systems and standalone media receivers come with a remote control so you can call up songs or TV shows without having to get up from the couch. But wouldn't it be great if the remote was Wi-Fi-enabled too? That's the idea behind the Philips iPronto, a fully programmable universal remote that also lets you browse the Web and send e-mail via its 6 1/2-inch color LCD touchscreen (see "The Cutting Edge," June 2003, for details). With so many features onboard, the iPronto is definitely the mother of all remote controls, but its technological sophistication comes at a steep price: $1,700. ipronto 1

The iPronto communicates with your wireless network via its 802.11b card. If you have a broadband Internet connection, the remote automatically updates its electronic program guide (EPG), giving you comprehensive channel listings on its touchscreen along with program details for channels you select while watching TV. But the iPronto's Internet features make it more than just a glorified TV guide. During commercial breaks, you can check your e-mail or surf over to the CNN Web site to take in the latest headlines.

The iPronto comes preprogrammed to control more than 500 devices, and its wireless link to your PC makes it easy to create a custom interface to control your entire home theater system. The iPronto Edit PC software lets you design buttons and labels that correspond to the ones found on your various remote controls. And you can edit the onscreen display to suit your needs, customizing keypad layouts and omitting unused buttons.

With its big touchscreen and Wi-Fi connection, the Philips iPronto enters territory where no remote control has dared go before. It might cost as much as an entire entry-level home theater system, but the degree of customization and control it provides - not to mention the prospect of Web surfing from your couch - makes it unique.

Wire has served us well since Edison's day, but with technologies like Wi-Fi providing a cheap, easy way to move data through nothing more than thin air, it might be time to cut the cord. A/V manufacturers are already hard at work channeling Wi-Fi into elegant whole-house solutions. And as the number of houses with wireless networks increases, the demand for Wi-Fi products is sure to rise. The way things are going, the time may soon come when your own house is unwired for entertainment.